Websites Campaign Beacon The Campaign Beacon website showcases effective and innovative campaigns the address the topics that shape global health—from food environments to harmful drug use and the role of corporate interests.
Campaigns Argentina – Road Safety – We all share roads. Slow down. This road safety campaign from Córdoba, Argentina, depicts a car driver who is speeding and crashes into a father and child on a motorcycle. This PSA serves as a reminder that everyone shares the roads and that speeding endangers everyone, particularly motorcyclists who are less protected and more likely to be injured or killed in a crash.
Where We Work in Alcohol Policy RESET Alcohol is currently working to increase alcohol taxation and to enact or strengthen laws or policies to restrict alcohol availability and marketing in four…
Publications Publications and Newsletter Sign-Up Publications Trouble Brewing Vital Strategies partnered with three other global health organizations to release “Trouble Brewing,” which lays out the burden of harms related to…
Toolkit Alcohol Policy Resources RESET Alcohol has developed a variety of resources that support our goal of assisting countries to implement the highest-impact, most cost-effective polices to reduce alcohol-related…
Publications Cost-Benefit Analysis for Air Pollution Control Strategies in Jakarta This study reveals that the benefits of air pollution reduction interventions in Jakarta, Indonesia outweigh the costs, with returns estimated to be seven times higher.
Fact Sheets Key Messages on Alcohol Harms and Policy Solutions This fact sheet details the health risks of alcohol and the most effective policy solutions. It provides crucial information on how evidence-based measures like taxation, marketing restrictions, and regulation of availability can significantly reduce alcohol-related harm and improve public health outcomes.
Publications Flooding and Early Childhood Development This advocacy brief jointly developed by Vital Strategies and ARNEC (Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood Development) showcases in detail the impacts of flooding on early childhood development, and strategies to minimise these impacts.
Campaigns Mexico – Road Safety – Speeding Kills, Respect the Limits This 2024 campaign from Mexico highlights the dangers that speeding drivers pose for pedestrians.
Campaigns India – Tobacco Control – When You Quit This evidence-based campaign video links smoking cigarettes and bidis with the risk of heart attack, while providing the benefits of quitting on a different timelines.
Campaigns India – Tobacco Control – Main Bhi Sunita (Sunita 2.0) This campaign features a new testimonial about the hardships of the family of a cancer victim due to chewing Khaini, a popular smokeless tobacco type in India.