Vital Strategies is an international public health organization that conducts public health programs in seventy-three countries around the world, benefiting more than two billion people. Our organization addresses major challenging public health problems, cooperates with governments, and adopts evidence-based and innovative approaches to provide technical and financial support to improvement of public health systems and policies and implementation of health programs. Vital Strategies registered locally in Shandong province, and established the Ji’nan Representative Office in August 2018, which is overseen by the Public Security Department of Shandong Province. Its service is overseen by the Health Commission of Shandong Province, and covers China’s mainland.

Cardiovascular Health
Vital Strategies Cardiovascular Health initiative in China aims to prevent deaths caused by cerebral- and cardio- vascular diseases through salt reduction, prevention and control of hypertension, and elimination of trans fat acids in food. This work is supported by Resolve to Save Lives, which is led by the former director of the U.S. CDC Tom Frieden.

Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use
Through providing strategic training, policy research, tracking and summary of international policy and practice, as well as professional support in mass media campaigns and other areas, to various levels of health administrative and functional departments, this Initiative aims to assist nations and local jurisdictions to adopt comprehensive, proven effective tobacco control strategies, effectively reducing the economic burden associated with tobacco use, protecting the public from tobacco smoke and secondhand smoke, and raising public awareness on harm of tobacco use. This Initiative is funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, and has received almost one billion US dollars in donations and commitment since its launch in 2007.
Partnership for Healthy Cities
This Initiative aims to change people’s health risk behaviors, create healthy environment and strengthen data systems that support health, through building a global network of prominent cities, supporting over 50 cities in implementing ten influential, programmatic interventions in preventing non-communicable diseases and injuries, to ultimately reduce deaths from non-communicable diseases and injuries, and boost achieving related targets in UN Sustainable Development Goals. This Initiative is funded by the Bloomberg Philanthropies and led by Michael Bloomberg, World Health Organization Global Ambassador for Noncommunicable Diseases. The first phase began in 2017 and received a total of over five million US dollars in donation, and the second phase is expected to receive a similar amount of donation from the Philanthropies.
Global Road Safety Initiative
Focusing on five key road safety risk factors, including speeding, drinking and driving, use of helmet, child restraint and seatbelt, this Initiative works with road safety government authorities such as local traffic police, transport commission and communication agencies on a comprehensive set of strategies, e.g. improving traffic police enforcement competence, road design and infrastructure safety and undertaking mass media campaigns, to implement effective interventions and technical means to improve urban road safety, and ultimately halve deaths and injuries from road accidents by 2030. This Initiative is funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, works in ten cities around the world, and has received 259 million US dollars in donation and commitment.
Data for Health Initiative
Funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, this Initiative aims to improve quality of public health data, and strengthen use of data in setting public health policies. This Initiative works with 20 countries and cities, and its technical partners include CDC and University of Melbourne. It was launched in March 2016. Its partnership city in China is Shanghai, and it has made significant progress in strengthening vital statistics and cause of death registration system; building capacity in data analysis, translating data into policies and public communications; and creating online searchable health data platform. Next, the Initiative plans to expand to Jiangsu and Anhui, among other provinces.