Expert Q&A Tobacco’s Goliath-Sized Threat to Public Health Among the things we can take some credit for are saving 35 million lives thanks to national policy wins banning indoor smoking, restricting tobacco advertising and higher taxes in Russia, India, Bangladesh, and Turkey.
Expert Q&A Why Lead Poisoning Prevention Matters The majority of countries simply don’t know how many children are being exposed, or how severe the exposure is. Many are ill-equipped to enforce regulations in consumer products. And, mining industries are politically powerful and exploit perceptions that development needs trump environmental health concerns.
Expert Q&A To Better the Lives of Women and Girls, Improve CRVS Systems What are some of the obstacles that women face with regard to registration in some countries? There are a number of issues:…
Expert Q&A Air Pollution: Why Focus on Cities? We work in cities because in addition to hosting some of the biggest air pollution challenges, they hold the most effective solutions.
Expert Q&A Pollution de l’air : pourquoi mettre l’accent sur les villes ? Nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec les responsables politiques pour renforcer les capacités techniques nécessaires à l’analyse de ces problématiques et à l’élaboration de solutions politiques pour lutter contre les sources de pollution à long terme.
Expert Q&A Vital Stories VitalTalks Q&A With Dr. Tom Frieden We sat down with Dr. Frieden to get his top takeaways on what’s being done to prevent these illnesses, and what steps can be taken to reduce their prevalence and impact.