Fact Sheets Tobacco Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship Bans The tobacco industry markets its products through advertising, promotions and sponsorship (TAPS). This factsheet covers why TAPS bans must be comprehensive and cover traditional and emerging platforms for marketing.
Fact Sheets Tobacco Labeling and Packaging This factsheet discusses how effective health warnings—those with large, shocking pictures and strong, clear language—on tobacco packs encourage smokers to quit and discourage non-smokers from starting.
Fact Sheets Factsheet 5. Mass Media Campaigns Mass media campaigns are an essential part of a comprehensive tobacco control programme, as they reduce tobacco consumption and are cost-effective compared to other healthcare interventions. This factsheet focuses on stop smoking campaigns.
Fact Sheets Smoking Cessation This factsheet focuses on tobacco dependency as a recognised medical condition; providing assistance for smoking cessation and tobacco dependency treatment are key tobacco control measures.
Fact Sheets Tobacco and Tuberculosis This factsheet covers the connection between smoking and tuberculosis. Active smoking is significantly associated with TB disease and deaths, while exposure to second-hand smoke is significantly associated with TB disease, and with TB infection among children and young people.
Fact Sheets The Role of Mass Media Campaigns in Reducing Traffic Crashes and How to Establish Sustainable Funding Mechanisms for Campaigns This Fact Sheet shows how increased investment in road safety mass media campaigns can help save lives when paired with highly visible and enhanced enforcement.
Fact Sheets Information about Over the Counter Naloxone This resource answers common questions about over-the-counter (OTC) naloxone such as which naloxone products were approved for over-the-counter use, when and where OTC naloxone will be available, how much OTC naloxone will cost, and how states can ensure widespread access to this lifesaving medication.
Fact Sheets Publications Opioid Settlement Funds: State-Level Guides for Community Advocates These guides reveal how each state in the U.S. will receive and allocate opioid settlement funds.
Fact Sheets A Snapshot of Medication Diversion Among 6 Jails Expanding Access to Agonist Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) in Pennsylvania This snapshot looks at the reported incidence of diversion, assault, and conduct citations at the six jails in Pennsylvania that together provided buprenorphine to more than 1,000 individuals over an 18 month period through this state-funded grant program.
Fact Sheets Racial Disparities in United States Overdose Rates Black, Indigenous, Latinx and other BIPOC communities are disproportionately impacted by the drug overdose crisis. Overdose mortality rates steadily increased in the Black community since 1999, and doubled in the five-year period ending 2019.