The pandemic revealed deep cracks in our systems and made public health more visible in our daily lives. The world is finally seeing the connections that make up a healthy society—and the profound dangers of siloed, single-issue solutions and short-term thinking.
Our future demands that we reimagine public health together and see how it’s woven into our daily life. Take three of today’s most pressing issues: climate change, noncommunicable diseases and urban health. These seemingly separate challenges all intersect and influence a person’s ability to lead a healthy life—as when mass transit reduces greenhouse gas emissions and increases mobility, for example, or when taxes on tobacco products reduce heart and lung disease and increase funds for health care systems.
- Femi Oke, International Journalist and Broadcaster
- José Luis Castro, President and CEO, Vital Strategies
- HRH Princess Dina Mired, Special Envoy for NCDs, Vital Strategies
- Claudia Adriazola-Steil, Acting Director, Urban Mobility, and Director, Health & Road Safety, WRI Ross Center For Sustainable Cities
- Daniel Kass, Senior Vice President, Environmental Health, Vital Strategies
- Nandita Murukutla, Ph.D., Vice President, Global Policy and Research, Vital Strategies
- Jeremias N. Paul, Jr., Head of the Fiscal Policies for Health Unit in the Health Promotion Department at the World Health Organization
From clean air and access to healthy foods to safer cities, our speakers highlighted how working across sectors we can build better public health systems and policies to drive broad and sustainable change that protects everyone, everywhere.
Recent Videos
Colombia – Road Safety – Slow Down for Christmas
Brazil – Road Safety – Do what you have to do without speeding
Kenya – Road Safety – Slow Down, Speeding Ruins Lives (Mary’s Story)
Kenya – Road Safety – Slow Down, Speeding Ruins Lives (Ruth’s Story)
Malaysia – Road Safety – The Story of Mr. Syafique
India – Road Safety – Motorcycle Reconstruction
Ecuador – Road Safety – Every life matters, slow down
Brazil – RESET Alcohol – “Dose of reality” – Opinion makers
Brazil – RESET Alcohol – “Dose of reality” – Senators
Mexico – Alcohol Policy – Alcohol harms the ones you love the most – Teddy bear