RESET Colombia partners analyze global data to inform alcohol tax strategy.
We support epidemiological data analysis of alcohol consumption and harms, and monitor local policies to inform advocacy, communication and policy planning.
Data helps government officials and lawmakers make decisions on alcohol policies. The growing evidence base reveals a need to strengthen current laws that affect public health. RESET Alcohol examines all relevant epidemiological and surveillance data on alcohol consumption and harms and supports government authorities to collect and use it to implement effective alcohol policies.
How we work
Analyzing alcohol epidemiology research
Identifying country data needs and producing key evidence needed to inform policymakers about the current alcohol burden in the country.
Using epidemiological data for advocacy and communication
Developing factsheets, op-eds, infographics, policy briefs, etc. to help make data and findings understandable for policymakers and the public.
Using policy monitoring for advocacy
Assessing the development of high-impact alcohol policies in countries over time, using the International Alcohol Control (IAC) survey, to better inform policy development.
Evidence narrative to support alcohol tax advocacy in Mexico
Written by our colleagues at Centro de Investigación Económica y Presupuestaria (CIEP), this evidence narrative answers 8 common questions about taxation on alcoholic beverages and related economic issues.
Evidence narrative to support alcohol tax advocacy in Mexico
CIEP’s evidence narrative offers information to support and strengthen local advocacy efforts.
Written by our colleagues at Centro de Investigación Económica y Presupuestaria (CIEP), this evidence narrative answers 8 common questions about taxation on alcoholic beverages and related economic issues.