The Vital Stories blog showcases the depth and breadth of Vital Strategies’ lifesaving work around the world—from tobacco control policy wins, to the critical need for harm reduction to prevent overdose, to the transformative power of counting everyone. Whether it’s a Q&A with one of our partners or technical experts, a look at the dedicated work that went into a new healthy policy, or Vital’s highlights from a major international convening, our blog takes readers behind the scenes and beyond the data. Here are 10 of our most popular Vital Stories from 2024.
Cambodia’s Landmark Law: Identity for All
A new law in Cambodia on Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Identification (CRVS-ID) paved the way for all citizens to benefit from a legal identity. Vital Strategies supported the creation of the landmark legislation, which establishes a modern, integrated CRVS-ID system that makes registration of births, deaths and other vital events compulsory. The law’s guarantee of a legal identity sets an example for the world that #CountingEveryone is the foundation of a more equitable and healthier future. Having a legal identity is essential to accessing education, health care, property, and many other benefits and social protections, and forms a critical component of Cambodia’s digital public infrastructure.
RESET: Championing Effective Alcohol Policies at the Global Alcohol Policy Conference
Vital Strategies’ RESET Alcohol initiative stood out with its vision for change at the Global Alcohol Policy Conference in South Africa. Funded by Open Philanthropy and led by Vital Strategies, RESET’s groundbreaking mission is to reduce alcohol harms through proven policies in six key countries—Mexico, Colombia, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Brazil and Kenya. RESET is focused on three proven policy interventions: increasing alcohol taxation, reducing alcohol marketing and restricting availability. These policies are aimed at saving lives and reshaping the alcohol landscape. RESET partners shared their expertise, offering practical, evidence-based solutions and a road map for others to follow.
You Can’t End Overdose Without Harm Reduction: Q & A With “The Harm Reduction Gap” Author Dr. Sheila Vakharia
Against the backdrop of the unprecedented overdose crisis in the United States, the harm reduction response to drug use has gained critical traction—notably with the widespread uptake of naloxone to reverse overdose. Yet some harm reduction strategies, including syringe service programs and overdose prevention centers, remain controversial. In a conversation with Vital Strategies, Dr. Sheila Vakharia, Deputy Director of the Department of Research and Academic Engagement at Drug Policy Alliance and author of the book, The Harm Reduction Gap, spoke about some misconceptions about harm reduction and how we can help end the overdose crisis.
“There was only space for cars”: A Bangkok neighborhood gets safer streets
In Bangkok, a city of 8.4 million people, some 12 million automobiles and motorbikes clog the streets, and road traffic crashes in 2023 alone caused more than 860 deaths and 136,000 injuries. Facing the challenge of creating safer travel options for all road users, Bangkok’s local government and the Thailand Walking and Cycling Institute sought support from the Partnership for Healthy Cities, Vital Strategies’ global network of 74 cities that are committed to preventing noncommunicable diseases and injuries. In Bangkok, local government chose a particularly congested neighborhood as the focus of change, implementing safety measures for pedestrians and lowering speed limits. The results of these changes were overwhelmingly positive, leading to an increase in pedestrians and cyclists, and a drop in vehicle speeds.
Advancements in Cancer Staging in Africa
Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally. Seventy percent of these deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries, underscoring continuing inequities in access to health care. Vital Strategies’ Cancer Registry Program, part of Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Data for Health Initiative, works with ministries of health and their partners to establish and strengthen population-based cancer registries, create regional centers of excellence, and use the data for more effective policymaking. Population-based cancer registries strive to track every cancer case within specific communities to better understand the cancer burden. This crucial data equips policymakers and public health officials with the information needed to shape effective cancer control policies and programs at local and national levels.
Indonesia Imposes Stricter Tobacco Controls: A Major Step for Public Health
The government of Indonesia passed a landmark regulation to curb tobacco use, introducing tighter restrictions on both conventional tobacco products and electronic cigarettes. This new law, known as Government Regulation Number 28, represents a marked advancement in the country’s public health policies. Vital Strategies supported Indonesia’s Ministry of Health by providing technical and legal guidance, gathering data on tobacco use, countering industry interference, and involving civil society, academics and the media. The new regulation seeks to address the high prevalence of smoking in Indonesia, where more than 70 million adults smoke, and nearly 20% of children aged 13 to 15 are smokers—one of the highest rates in the world.
Cleaner Air: Investing in Our Future
On this year’s International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies, Vital Strategies and partners shared strategies that can be scaled up to reduce air pollution. Affecting 99% of the global population, air pollution is the greatest environmental threat to human health. It claimed more than 8 million lives in 2021, and is the second leading risk factor for death overall and for children under 5. It’s linked to lower respiratory infections, ischemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other illnesses. The theme of 2024’s International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies campaign, “Invest in #CleanAirNow,” highlighted the need to ramp up funding and commitments to mitigate air pollution.
Without Gender Equity, Public Health Fails to Deliver
Everyone should have access to health care and be protected by health systems regardless of gender. Yet, every day we see how gender hierarchies can create inequalities that impede a person’s ability to live their healthiest life. Equity is the backbone of resilient, effective public health systems. Without it, public health simply fails to deliver. That’s why Vital Strategies is committed to promoting and integrating gender equity into our programs and practices. Read more to learn how Vital Strategies prioritizes gender equity.
The Role of Law in Social Change: Q&A With Isabel Barbosa on Using Law to Promote Healthier Food Environments
Law can be a powerful tool for social change—including policy changes that protect people from unhealthy products such as ultra-processed food and sugary beverages. In this conversation with Vital Strategies, Isabel Barbosa focuses on the role of law in addressing commercial determinants of health and noncommunicable diseases—such as heart disease and Type 2 diabetes—that are driven by unhealthy diets. Barbosa is Associate Director of the Health and Human Rights Initiative at the O’Neill Institute for National & Global Health Law—a key partner of Vital Strategies’ Food Policy Program.
Road Safety is a Public Health Issue: Q&A with Asmeret Nigus
Each year, road traffic crashes kill 1.19 million people and injure up to 50 million more worldwide—tragedies that can almost always be prevented. As an implementing partner of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), Vital Strategies works with governments and partners in 14 countries and 27 cities worldwide to carry out proven road safety interventions. BIGRS strategies range from strengthening legislation and promoting infrastructure improvements to mounting strategic communication campaigns to minimize risky road behaviors, with a focus on speeding and building support for strong safety policies. In this Q&A, Asmeret Nigus, Vital Strategies Technical Advisor, discusses the efforts to improve road safety across four priority locations in Africa.