Operational research (OR) is research applied to better understand complex systems and to support decision making. OR differs from clinical research by focusing on improving the health system or program in which the research is conducted. In the case of TB, there is a particular need to understand health systems in settings with a high burden of TB. Locally relevant OR is therefore essential for influencing national policy and TB programs, and it is vital to improve research capacity in these settings.
Vital Strategies has delivered OR training programs to ultimately strengthen local health systems by ensuring health professionals are able to conduct OR independently. We have used a combination of synchronous and asynchronous approaches to increase access to OR training while allowing participants to remain in their communities and workplaces.

Our OR training has led to a larger pool of health professionals able to independently undertake locally relevant OR leading to improved health services. Since 2008, Vital Strategies and partners have provided more than 150 health professionals in Brazil, India, Kenya, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines and South Africa with the training needed to conduct high-quality operational research independently. We also supported a course to build capacity of 20 researchers in India to conduct systematic reviews and, in the process, prioritize research activities.
This has resulted in the publication of a significant amount of important research, with more than 45 manuscripts published by course participants and more than 40 abstracts presented at international and regional conferences. In collaboration with partners, Vital Strategies has also produced several free online educational resources including an interactive e-tool, Introduction to Operational Research, which provides health practitioners and researchers with a foundational overview of OR concepts and practices.
Operational Research Resources
Operational Research to Improve Health Services
A Guide to Country Level Implementation and Programme Support
Programa de aprendizaje electrónico de investigación operativa de TREAT TB