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Global Grants Program

The Global Grants Program provides funds to government partners, through a competitive process, to implement discrete projects which improve systems that collect, analyze and use data for public health decision-making.

The Global Grants Program provides technical support and funds to government partners, through a competitive process, to implement discrete projects which improve systems that collect, analyze and use data for public health decision-making.

The Global Grants Program launched in March 2019 to support low- and middle-income countries that are not part of the current Data for Health portfolio has supported over 100 projects in 48 countries. The program provides technical support and funds to government and local experts through a competitive process, to implement discrete projects which work to improve systems that collect, analyze and use data for public health decision-making.

The program follows the lead of country experts, expanding on lessons learned from previous data intelligence work, and promoting regional collaboration among countries addressing similar issues, including the sharing of best practices and technical expertise.

Recognizing that in-country partners are not only health experts but are also intimately familiar with the needs of their local health systems and communities, they are the driving force behind all Global Grants activities. Funding locally conceived and managed projects results in sensible and tangible deliverables that fit local needs.

The Global Grants Program funds projects focused on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics, Data Impact, and Cancer Registries. Within these categories, project proposals are encouraged to further consider the equity dimensions of proposed work.

Why It Matters

The Global Grants Program has so far committed over $10 million across 107 projects in 48 countries in Asia, Africa, Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America to strengthen public health systems and support the use of data in policymaking and planning.

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About the Data for Health Programs

The Data for Health Initiative is a global effort supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies.  The Initiative provides technical and financial assistance to low- and middle-income countries worldwide to improve public health data.

Vital Strategies serves as an implementing partner in the Initiative, with several programs related specifically to data improvement and public health intelligence: The Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) Program assists governments in strengthening their systems for counting every birth and death and for monitoring the causes of death; the Data Impact Program supports governments to maximize the use of data to enhance public health policymaking and decision-making; the Cancer Registries Program provides assistance to governments in establishing and strengthening population-based cancer registries; and the Global Grants Program provides funds to government and local experts to implement discrete projects focused on data for public health decision-making.

The various Data for Health programs support country partners to strengthen data systems including a focus on gender equity, and all have worked in collaboration to produce guidance and technical assistance on COVID-19 for government partners, enabling them to better measure the scale of the crisis within their borders and execute a data-driven response.


Data for Health Initiative’s Global Grants Program information and application page