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Executive Messages – 2022 Annual Report

Vital Strategies

From the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees

Dear friends and supporters,

I am immensely proud of Vital Strategies. In 2022, I completed my tenure as chair of the Board of Trustees—a role that has been one of the greatest privileges of my professional life. During these past 15 years, I have marveled at the ambition of this organization to solve some of the most intractable health challenges of our time, often in complex political contexts and through a pandemic. And somehow, each year, each stage, our ambitions have been achieved.

This 2022 Annual Report looks “Behind the Numbers,” providing a window into how Vital Strategies strategically and methodically works in partnership with governments and civil society to make sustainable changes that improve people’s health and promote equity. Dramatically increasing the number of births and deaths registered across entire countries throughout the world reflects the expert support and close partnerships that only Vital Strategies can provide. Reducing the number of cars speeding on city roads demands data analysis, strategic communication and coordination that Vital has provided in dozens of cities. Building public support for groundbreaking food policies requires years of patience and partnership. Exposing thousands of examples of hidden tobacco marketing, calls for innovative technology, thoughtful analysis, and commitment to reducing tobacco’s toll on people and communities.

My aim as board chair has been to champion Vital’s ambition and match the rapid growth of our programmatic areas with investment in operations and infrastructure. Under the leadership of the board’s new Chair Bruce Mandell and his fellow trustees, and with the vision of President and CEO José Luis Castro, Vital brings a fresh perspective and passion for addressing public health challenges at this complicated time in history. The world needs Vital Strategies, and I look forward to the many ways Vital will advance its programs and policies to enable people around the world to lead longer, healthier lives.

I would like to thank our donors and partners, whose continued support and trust has been essential for the accomplishment of our goals, and our team around the world for their talent, expertise and dedication.


Louis James “Jimmy” de Viel Castel

From the President and CEO

Dear friends,

Working at the population level—with the potential to affect millions of lives—takes investment and patience but can also lead to big rewards. At this stage in Vital Strategies’ history, we are seeing more and more of these rewards.

When I look our programs’ results, I see number after number, percentage after percentage, showing how we have moved the needle—each number representing thousands or millions of people’s lives extended, the quality of their lives improved. And then I reflect on what it means when one person lives a long life, instead of short one, in the way it affects their family, their community, the economy and the next generation. This is what drives the urgency and expansion of our work.

In Vital Strategies’ 2022 Annual Report, we take you behind these numbers to show you the multi-pronged strategies we use to address the drivers of some of the greatest health crises of our time—from noncommunicable diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes to preventing injuries and deaths caused by road crashes and drug overdose. Vital Strategies is focused on implementation and has an extensive network of partners and programs. In this review of 2022, you will see examples of how our sustained local partnerships across more than 80 countries are strengthening health systems for the future.

We invite you to explore our digital report—and join us in feeling hopeful about the potential for a healthier world.


José Luis Castro
President and CEO